Body, Mind, Soul

What is Face Yoga?

by Guest Contributer on Mar 30, 2019

What is Face Yoga?

Written by: Orna Binder

Just as your body needs regular exercise to stay toned and firm, the 57 muscles in the face and neck also need to be exercised in order to become firm and fit and can be retrained to work correctly, gradually reversing the signs of ageing.

Face yoga is about knowing HOW to move your facial muscles so that you can trigger the ones you need to work on and isolate and relax the rest. It is a series of sometimes-silly expressions and specialized stretches that are said to improve facial flexibility while holding back the drooping effects of aging.

How does it work?

By working all the layers of the skin properly we increase the blood circulation, allowing more oxygen and more nourishment to reach the cells of the skin (upper layer). The technique is also said to stimulate collagen and elastin production in the dermis – the middle layer of skin – making the face tighter and, most importantly, younger looking. The result is a clear, healthy complexion with a beautiful glow which has fewer toxins and has a better ability to absorb moisture

The exercises which work on muscle resistance enlarge the muscle, creating lift and a promoting a firmer, more youthful-looking face. So by exercising the face, you are actually building muscle fibre which reduces wrinkles.

As the muscles become stronger through exercise they are lifted and firmed and the skin attached to the muscles is also lifted and tautened, therefore reducing lines and wrinkles. As the muscles are much smaller than those in the body, it takes a lot less time for them to increase in strength and tone.

Who can benefit from Face Exercise?

Facial exercise is for everyone. Men and women, young and old. It is never too late to start improving the health of your face. Face Yoga is very useful if you want to reduce the signs of ageing and tension. Whether you are starting to see the first signs of ageing or if you have deep set lines and wrinkles, the exercises and techniques will be beneficial for you. It is also a preventative measure. The earlier you start the exercises the less likely you are to see signs of ageing and tension in the face.

Some difference can be seen straight away. The face muscles may feel they have had a good workout (just like with body exercise), and you will see and feel less tension in the face while gaining a rosy glow.

As well as using Face Yoga as an anti-aging tool, you can also use it through times of stress to reduce those tell-tale signs that can show on your face.

Why do Face Yoga?

Exercising your facial muscles method uses the most effective techniques and the latest research to give safe, natural anti-ageing results.  Face Yoga routine will give you a long lasting fresh, young, relaxed and beautiful appearance which looks more natural than surgery and is safer than having operations.

When you go to a gym or to an exercise class and work the muscles in the body, you firm up the body and improve skin texture and tone. The same principle applies to the face and neck. The exercises which work on muscle resistance enlarge the muscle, creating lift and promoting a firmer, more youthful-looking face. So by exercising the face, you are actually building muscle fibre which reduces wrinkles.


It is a low cost, non-toxic alternative (or additional) treatment to applying expensive anti-ageing creams and minimally invasive cosmetic surgery. As silly as you may feel, it does sculpture your facial muscles.

FaceYoga4u believes that the best is the right combination of face exercises, face massage, face acupressure and relaxation.